Regeneration: beyond sustainability

Bram Merkx August 30, 2023
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Get inspired by one of our GDCF frontrunners: read all about Shambala's Green Road Map towards 2025.

Shambala's green practices can be considered truly pioneering. The festival has reduced its carbon footprint by over 90%, uses 100% renewable electricity, is meat, fish, and dairy-milk free, and has eradicated single use plastics.

As a member of the Green Deal Circular Festivals, Shambala is on a mission to transform itself into a regenerative festival. Through innovative and groundbreaking initiatives, this music and arts festival is setting the bar high and redefining what it means to be eco-friendly and socially responsible. We zoom in on their sustainability efforts, and their vision for 2025.

Renewable Energy
At the heart of Shambala's sustainability efforts lies a fundamental shift toward renewable energy. The festival now operates on 100% renewable electricity, signaling a clear departure from fossil fuels. By embracing clean energy sources, Shambala is not only minimizing its own carbon emissions but also inspiring other events and organizations to follow suit.

A Plant-Powered Feast
Shambala Festival has taken a bold step by going meat, fish, and dairy-milk free. This decision not only aligns with ethical considerations but also significantly reduces the festival's ecological impact. By encouraging festival-goers to indulge in plant-based culinary delights, Shambala is promoting a sustainable and compassionate approach to food consumption.

The Plastic-Free Pledge
Another achievement worth mentioning for Shambala is its successful elimination of single-use plastics. This milestone reflects the festival's commitment to preserving the natural environment. From reusable cups and tableware to biodegradable food containers, Shambala is an inspiring example to waste management for other large-scale events worldwide.

Shambala's Vision: A Green Roadmap to 2025
The festival has outlined an ambitious Green Roadmap to further enhance its regenerative impact by 2025. Shambala is determined to "be the change" and continue pushing the boundaries of sustainability.

1. Zero Waste to Landfill
One of the festival's primary goals is to achieve zero waste to landfill by 2025. This ambitious objective involves minimizing waste generation through innovative recycling and composting programs, as well as fostering a culture of responsible consumption among attendees.

2. Biodiversity and Habitat Restoration
Shambala recognizes the importance of nurturing the land on which the festival takes place. They are actively working on habitat restoration projects and initiatives to promote biodiversity. By rejuvenating the natural environment, Shambala aims to leave a lasting positive impact on the ecosystems surrounding the festival grounds.

3. Sustainable Transportation
Reducing the carbon footprint associated with attendee travel is a key focus for Shambala. They plan to promote sustainable transportation options, such as carpooling, public transit, and cycling, to encourage festival-goers to choose eco-friendly ways of getting to the event.

4. Community Engagement and Education
Shambala Festival understands the power of education and community engagement in driving positive change. They are committed to hosting workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions to educate attendees about sustainability, environmental conservation, and social responsibility.

5. Regenerative Farming and Local Sourcing
Shambala is actively exploring regenerative farming practices and aims to source a significant portion of its food locally. By supporting local farmers and embracing regenerative agriculture, the festival is fostering a more resilient and sustainable food system.

6. Social and Economic Impact
Beyond environmental sustainability, Shambala is keenly aware of its social and economic responsibilities. The festival is dedicated to fair labor practices, supporting local businesses, and creating a positive impact on the communities in which it operates.

Shambala Festival's journey toward becoming a regenerative festival is a remarkable example of the transformative power of visionary leadership and commitment to sustainability. By reducing its carbon footprint, embracing renewable energy, eliminating single-use plastics, and promoting a plant-based diet, Shambala has already achieved significant milestones.

Looking ahead, their Green Roadmap to 2025 demonstrates that Shambala is not content with resting on its laurels. Instead, they are pushing the boundaries of what a festival can achieve in terms of environmental and social responsibility. By setting the bar high and "being the change," Shambala Festival is not only entertaining crowds but also inspiring a global movement towards a more regenerative and sustainable future. As the festival industry evolves, Shambala is proving that it can lead the way, offering a compelling vision of how entertainment and environmental consciousness can harmoniously coexist.

Whilst we’re very much aware that we are actually a music and arts festival - rather than a government organization, think tank or small country - we’ve always believed in thinking big, ‘being the change’ and setting the bar as high as we possibly can.

Check out Shambala's Green Roadmap to discover every step they are planning to achieve by 2025.


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